Arabia Saudita

Eummena - Saudi Arabia

Eummena, the innovative EdTech enterprise is Moodle’s Certified Premium Partner in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with more countries in Europe, Middle East and North Africa. Putting the human factor first, we strive to empower you getting the most out of your Moodle platform, with hosting, implementation, training, and bespoke development services, bundled with premium support and coaching. To learn more on our full spectrum of services on digital transformation, EdTech strategies, our engagement in large scale nation-wide initiatives and innovative solutions based on open source software, visit

Eummena is ISO 27001 certified for our commitment to information security. As a leading EdTech provider, we prioritize the protection of our clients' data, and this certification is a testament to our efforts

باعتبار يومينا الشريك المميز والمعتمد لموديل في المملكة العربية السعودية و العديد من دول أوروبا و الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، نقدم خدمات مودل في مجالات الاستضافة والتطوير والتخصيص والتدريب. نغطي خبرات التعلم المعزز بالتكنولوجيا، ووضع الاستراتيجيات والمعايير لتكنولوجيات التعلم والكفاءات وفرص التعليم والتعلم مدى الحياة و تطوير القدرات الشخصية



We analyze user behavior in a detailed manner, generating reports with figures and findings that are important to your organization, ultimately helping you make data-informed decisions and avoid gut-feeling.


Eummena is one of the first Moodle Partners to offer training for the new MEC programme (Moodle Educator Certificate), which replaces the old MCCC.

Our team is committed to sharing with you its pedagogical and technical mastery of Moodle, so that this certification is a real learning experience and contributes to your professional development, preparing you to stay relevant in the era of digital transformation.


Take advantage of Eummena's hands-on technological, pedagogical and strategic expertise. Using our long and deep experience in EdTech allows us to understand the challenges your organisation may face and provide relevant and effective solutions that help you focus on your business.


Supported by a wide and strong network of organisations and experts, Eummena offers specialised and tailored modules for professional development in latest trends of technologies and EdTech.


Your organization is like no other and therefore it has specific needs. We want your Moodle platform to reflect your organization’s unique characteristics and features by tailoring it to your preferences and expectations. This is the right way to support you in offering seamless experience for your users.


We support you in setting up remote and cloud hosting through our partners if you do not have your own IT infrastructure.


Our team takes care of Moodle system installation for your organization from start to finish so you can focus on what really matters which is delivering a quality learning experience for your users.


One of Moodle's greatest strengths is its ability to integrate well with other tools and systems. We therefore leverage this strength within our products by integrating the LMS to solutions such as Learning Object Repository (LOR), Student Information Systems (SIS), Analytics solutions and many others.


We offer support in different fields of expertise, covering technology, pedagogy, research and analytics. Eummena helps you to successfully implement your projects and professionally tackle the obstacles you may face along the way.


We will make sure that the appearance of the LMS you will use on a daily basis is in line with your organization's brand and visuals. We will create the theme, based on your input, until you are satisfied with the end product.


Eummena partners with you in training and building capacity of your staff where needed, making sure you are using the system to its maximum potential and not missing out on opportunities in offering your teachers and learners the best experience you can.

We analyze user behavior in a detailed manner, generating reports with figures and findings that are important to your organization, ultimately helping you make data-informed decisions and avoid gut-feeling.

Eummena is one of the first Moodle Partners to offer training for the new MEC programme (Moodle Educator Certificate), which replaces the old MCCC.

Our team is committed to sharing with you its pedagogical and technical mastery of Moodle, so that this certification is a real learning experience and contributes to your professional development, preparing you to stay relevant in the era of digital transformation.

Take advantage of Eummena's hands-on technological, pedagogical and strategic expertise. Using our long and deep experience in EdTech allows us to understand the challenges your organisation may face and provide relevant and effective solutions that help you focus on your business.

Supported by a wide and strong network of organisations and experts, Eummena offers specialised and tailored modules for professional development in latest trends of technologies and EdTech.

Your organization is like no other and therefore it has specific needs. We want your Moodle platform to reflect your organization’s unique characteristics and features by tailoring it to your preferences and expectations. This is the right way to support you in offering seamless experience for your users.

We support you in setting up remote and cloud hosting through our partners if you do not have your own IT infrastructure.

Our team takes care of Moodle system installation for your organization from start to finish so you can focus on what really matters which is delivering a quality learning experience for your users.

One of Moodle's greatest strengths is its ability to integrate well with other tools and systems. We therefore leverage this strength within our products by integrating the LMS to solutions such as Learning Object Repository (LOR), Student Information Systems (SIS), Analytics solutions and many others.

We offer support in different fields of expertise, covering technology, pedagogy, research and analytics. Eummena helps you to successfully implement your projects and professionally tackle the obstacles you may face along the way.

We will make sure that the appearance of the LMS you will use on a daily basis is in line with your organization's brand and visuals. We will create the theme, based on your input, until you are satisfied with the end product.

Eummena partners with you in training and building capacity of your staff where needed, making sure you are using the system to its maximum potential and not missing out on opportunities in offering your teachers and learners the best experience you can.

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Eummena LLC
Aliya Plaza - The Space, 13316 - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Call or WhatsApp (We get back so quick to you!):
+966 59 559 5166
+966 55 323 2838
+ 966 59 279 9731


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