Become an MEQ facilitator in your organisation

The Moodle Educator Qualification Program (MEQ) is designed for experienced Moodle-using teachers to enhance their existing skills and advance their careers with recognised credentials.

By participating in the MEQ Direct program, you’ll become an in-house MEQ facilitator and take a leading role in the teaching and learning transformation of your organisation.

Start your qualification today

Exciting news!


The Moodle Educator Certification (MEC) is evolving into the Moodle Educator Qualification (MEQ). This rebranding comes with a fresh, new-look certificate, but rest assured, the program remains the same at its core—designed to empower educators and learning professionals with the skills they need to succeed in the digital world.

Why should my organisation get involved in the MEQ Direct?


The MEQ Direct program offers your organisation an unparalleled opportunity to empower your educators with internationally recognised qualifications, all within your own institution. By having an in-house MEQ facilitator, you can ensure your educators are equipped with the skills they need to thrive in the digital education landscape, leading to enhanced learning outcomes and a stronger institution overall.

The MEQ Direct program equips your educators with globally recognised qualification based on the DigCompEdu framework, ensuring their credentials are valued internationally. By earning the Moodle Educator Qualification certificate, your staff will gain official recognition for their skills in delivering high-quality Moodle courses. The program enhances their ability to improve learning outcomes, engage students more effectively, and stay competitive by keeping pace with the latest educational technologies. Ultimately, the MEQ Direct enables your organisation to deliver higher-quality services and foster continuous professional development.

By offering the MEQ Direct, your organisation benefits from higher-quality educational services that are built upon the skills and expertise of your own qualified educators. With the support of Moodle HQ, this program empowers your team to deliver excellence in online and blended learning, all while fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Deliver quality professional development


Through MEQ Direct, you will become an MEQ facilitator in your organisation, enabling you to develop and empower your colleagues to be more effective educators as they go through the six-course qualification program.

Our MEQ program is based on the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) and its six courses cover six core areas to help you become a more effective educator in today’s growing digital workplace:

Professional engagement

Professional Engagement:
Organisational communication/Professional collaboration/Reflective practice/Digital CPD



Assessment strategies/Analysing evidence/Feedback and planning


Digital Resources

Digital Resources:
Selecting/Creating and modifying/Managing, protecting and sharing digital resources


Empowering Learners

Empowering Learners:
Accessiblity and inclusion/Differentiation and personalisation/Actively engaging learners


Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning:
Teaching/Guidance/Colllaborative learning/Self-regulated learning

Facilitating Learners’ Digital Competence

Facilitating learners' Digital Competence:
Information and Media literacy/Digital communication and collaboration/Digital content creation/Responsible use/Digital problem-solving

Each of the courses will enhance your Moodle knowledge with comprehensive case studies followed by formative quizzes and summative activities. You’ll be awarded with a badge for each course, and once you’ve obtained all 6 badges, you’ll achieve Moodle Qualified Educator status.

The MEQ Direct certification process


As your organisation’s “go-to” Moodle expert, you’ll first participate in the MEQ program with Moodle HQ.

Once you’re a Qualified Moodle Educator, you’ll take our MEQ Direct Facilitator training course to ensure you’re confident with the program administration and assessment procedures.

We’ll then set you up with your own private, secure and dedicated area in our MEQ Site ( for you to facilitate MEQ Direct for your colleagues.
Our team will provide technical support and administrative consultancy so you can focus on facilitating MEQ Direct.

Once your colleagues obtain their 6 MEQ badges, they can apply for the Moodle Educator Qualification certificate, issued by Moodle HQ (that’s us!)

Who can apply for MEQ Direct?


To be considered for the program, organisations must have

  • Primarily an educational focus (not commercial)
  • At least one Moodle expert/instructional designer who can facilitate the program
  • A minimum of 50 educators who could be qualified. If you have fewer than that, please reach out to one of our Moodle Certified Partners who offer MEQ.

MEQ Direct Pricing

Qualify your facilitator

Take your chosen facilitator through the MEQ course and training program


600 EUR / facilitator

Exchange rates

Administration fee

Technical and pedagogical support provided by Moodle HQ


2000 EUR / Year

Exchange rates


Standard fee for each certificate issued


200 EUR / Certificate

Exchange rates


  1. Why is the MEC being renamed?
    The Moodle Educator Certification (MEC) is being renamed to the Moodle Educator Qualification (MEQ) to create a clearer and more distinctive qualification system. This change helps avoid confusion, especially when differentiating between individual qualifications and the services offered by Moodle Certified Partners. While the name is changing, the program’s value, structure, and content remain exactly the same.
  2. Will I get a new certificate?
    No, the MEC certificate is the equivalent to the MEQ certificate, so you can continue to use this. However, should you wish to request an MEQ Certificate you can contact us at

Take the next step

Complete the enquiry form below and one of our team members will be in touch to give you more information about the MEQ program.

    By hitting ‘SUBMIT’ below you permit Moodle and its Certified Partners to contact you regarding Moodle software products and services in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
