Your best practices and Moodle expertise can inspire and help educators and organisations worldwide. Here’s your chance to take the stage at one of our MoodleMoots!
MoodleMoots are Moodle conferences that take place around the world where educators, learning technologists and open source developers share good practices and innovative projects with our open source Moodle LMS.
If you’re considering becoming a presenter at one of our events, here are just 3 of our top reasons why you should take the plunge and submit your presentation!
1. Make a positive impact in the Moodle community
The Moodle community thrives on collaboration. By sharing your success stories, the way in which you’re using Moodle for teaching and learning, or the customisations you’ve developed to enhance your e-Learning site, you’ll inspire peers at a time when most of the world is teaching, learning and working online.
2. Get feedback and ideas to improve your project
When you share your Moodle story in front of an audience at a MoodleMoot, you’ll get questions and feedback from fellow Moodlers in the audience, which can give you more ideas to enhance it.
3. Generate opportunities to collaborate
Giving your project and your organisation visibility in front of the Moodle community can foster conversations with other organisations or peers in your sector to collaborate and join efforts to improve eLearning for all.
Abstract submissions for #MootES20 are due by October 26 – submit your presentation today!
Still undecided? Hear from an audience-favourite MootGlobal20 presenter
“Meeting people who share the same interests to help each other and work out creative ideas together.” This is what Na Li, Senior Educational Technologist at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, likes the most about presenting at a MoodleMoot.
Na Li has been a presenter at both face-to-face Moots and our first fully online event MoodleMoot Global 2020, where her presentation was chosen as one of the top favourites of the event. When asked about presenting fully online, Na Li appreciated how easy the Moodle Events team made the presentation experience.
“In many other virtual conferences I have attended, once speakers go online they are put in front of the audience immediately, whether they had time to test their slides and get ready, or not. At MootGlobal Online, speakers had a dedicated BigBlueButton room and a separate channel for live streaming, allowing us to get ready and switch to and from live stream according to our needs.”
Na Li also shared a tip for presenters who are new to fully online events: “In a face-to-face presentation, we can interact with our audience, have eye contact, and read their body language. We can see their reaction and adjust our presentation. But in the online environment, people’s main focus is on the slides – so it’s best to demonstrate the content in a more vivid way with rich visual elements like meaningful images, animations or short video clips that will engage the audience”.
If you still need more inspiration to submit your #MootUS20 story, take a look at the Top 20 audience-favourite presentations from #MootGlobal20 and get ideas to submit your own Moodle story!