Moodle Academy, the learning hub for the global Moodle community, is turning one! Since its launch in August of 2021, Moodle Academy has established itself as the global home for Moodle’s learning opportunities.
Moodle Academy launched with a series of interactive webinars on key topics about making the most of Moodle. Since that time, it has steadily grown, with free, new and improved learning pathways available to educators, developers and administrators.
Moodle Academy 1st birthday key achievements
- 3 Learning pathways and general courses.
- 4 Programs of courses.
- 45 Courses launched.
- 14,000+ Registered users.
- 19 Webinars run.
- 30,500+ Webinar recording views.
- 5500+ Course badges issued.
- 60 Program certificates awarded.
- Content Translation plugin set launched.
- 31 Translators and 15 languages.
Updated programs and pathways
The Educator learning pathway now has two programs – one for beginners called Moodle Teaching Basics, which focuses on the practical aspects of using Moodle and includes five short courses. The second program Moodle Teaching Skills is for intermediate Moodlers and explores creating engaging online teaching practices. It’s also made up of five courses.
The Administrator pathway includes the Moodle Admin Basics program, which is four short courses on how to manage users and courses from within the admin interface.
The Developer learning pathway includes the Moodle Developer Basics program of six short courses to help PHP developers get familiar with Moodle development essentials.
Alongside these core programs are many more individual short courses covering topics including gamification, accessibility and moving to Moodle 4.0.
Further courses and programs are in development, so watch this space.
Moodle Academy’s self-paced training offering is supplemented by the more comprehensive and facilitated training offered through Moodle’s Certified Service Providers.
Congratulations to the Moodle Academy team – Jessica Gramp, Mary Cooch, Anna Krassa, Richard Lefroy, Sandra Matz and Rajneel Totaram on their hard work in establishing Moodle Academy as Moodle’s community for best practice and ongoing professional development.
Find out more about Moodle Academy, sign up for courses, join a webinar, and get badges and certificates to demonstrate your new knowledge and skills.