Connect. Ignite. Transform. Discover the benefits of attending MoodleMoot Global 2024

June 24, 2024 By Barnana Sarkar

MoodleMoot Global (#MootGlobal24) provides Moodlers around the world with unique opportunities to connect and share knowledge. With the theme ‘Unlocking human potential’, MoodleMoot Global 2024 aims to connect the Moodle community and invite educators, workplace professionals, developers, and learning designers to explore how they can contribute to and benefit from an open dialogue on the future of education. It is the perfect opportunity to ignite your passion for education through keynotes, interactive sessions, and workshops and transform your practices with top experts’ insights, technologies, and strategies.

If you are considering attending the conference for the first time or simply seeking to maximise your experience, you might be wondering what benefits you can expect from participating or why you should choose to sponsor. In this article, let’s look at the numerous advantages of attending the biggest MoodleMoot of the year.

Why you should attend #MootGlobal24?

For educators

MoodleMoot Global 2024 is where you’ll join a worldwide community committed to advancing education through collaboration and innovation. In 2023, participants from 54 countries across various sectors, including universities, workplaces, government, NGOs, and others participated in the conference. 

Whether you’re an experienced educator or new to the MoodleMoot experience, this is your chance to:

  • Collaborate with fellow educators: Join our community of educators, instructional designers, and course builders. Share your experiences, learn new strategies, and collaborate on innovative learning experiences.
  • Enrich your teaching methods: Discover the newest educational design tools and techniques and enhance your teaching skills with practical workshops and engaging sessions led by industry experts.
  • Stay ahead in educational trends: Discover the latest trends and technologies in education and how you can implement them in your teaching environments. Attend keynote presentations from leading educational thought leaders to stay informed and inspired. 

For organisations and working professionals

Attending MoodleMoot Global 2024 offers a significant return on investment (ROI) for organisations and professionals by providing actionable insights, extensive networking opportunities, and exposure to innovative solutions. Learning and Development (L&D) managers can also benefit from the conference by discovering the latest strategies for maximising the effectiveness of their training programs and connecting with other industry leaders who are transforming educational practices.

Participating at the conference will help organisations enhance their use of Moodle, leading to improved learning experiences and better training outcomes, ensuring that the benefits far exceed the costs of attendance. Participants will gain valuable knowledge:

  • By connecting with industry leaders: Collaborate with professionals across different industries. Exchange insights, address common challenges, and draw inspiration from peers’ achievements in similar roles.
  • Learning about enhanced workforce training: Explore creative techniques and resources to improve training and development initiatives within your company. Engage in sessions highlighting successful learning methods specifically designed for the work environment.
  • Adopting cutting-edge technologies: Stay at the forefront of educational technology by discovering the latest advancements and their practical applications in professional environments. Gain insights into leveraging these tools to improve employee learning and performance.
MoodleMoot Global provides an excellent opportunity to share ideas with Moodlers from all over the globe. Image source: Moodle Image
MoodleMoot Global provides an excellent opportunity to share ideas with Moodlers from all over the globe. Image source: Moodle

For administrators

Attending MoodleMoot Global 2024 will provide administrators with the knowledge and tools necessary to drive user adoption, improve the management of learning environments, and measure the return on investment. This will enable them to implement effective policies and governance structures, ensuring their Moodle environments are secure and efficient.

  • Strategic sessions: Attend sessions focused on the strategic implementation of Moodle within your organisation, covering topics such as user adoption, effective management of learning environments, and ROI measurement.
  • Case studies and success stories: Learn from real-world case studies and success stories from other institutions and organisations, gaining insights into how they overcame challenges and achieved their goals with Moodle.
  • Policy and governance: Learn effective policies and governance structures to manage your Moodle environment, ensuring compliance, security, and efficient operation.

For developers

MoodleMoot Global 2024 offers developers a unique and exciting opportunity to collaborate, learn from industry leaders, and shape the future of Moodle. The conference features the Dev Jam, which includes live, hands-on coding sessions. Developers can bring their own projects and innovative ideas, pick bugs and improvements from the Tracker, or collaborate with fellow developers on new ventures. 

Whether you are an experienced developer or just starting out with Moodle, you will:

  • Connect with developer peers: Engage with a vibrant community of developers who share your passion for coding and innovation. Collaborate on projects, exchange ideas, and work together to solve real-world challenges. This networking opportunity allows you to build relationships that can lead to future collaborations and professional growth.
  • Advance your technical skills: Participate in hands-on coding sessions and specialised workshops designed to enhance your technical expertise. Learn new techniques, tools, and best practices from seasoned Moodle developers and industry leaders. These sessions will help you stay up-to-date with the latest developments and improve your coding skills.
  • Contribute to Moodle’s evolution: Play a crucial role in shaping Moodle’s future by learning how to integrate your contributions into the core platform, ensuring that your work has a tangible impact. This is a chance to leave your mark on Moodle and help drive its advancement in meaningful ways.

For learning and UX designers 

MoodleMoot Global 2024 offers learning designers and UX designers a wealth of opportunities to enhance their skills and contribute to Moodle’s future.

The Learning Designer Jam invites educators, instructional designers, course builders, and other learning enthusiasts to collaborate, create new projects, and have fun. This session provides a platform for sharing ideas and creating innovative solutions with fellow learning designers.

Similarly, the UX Jam at MoodleMoot Global promises to offer new insights, showcase the team’s recent work, and provide hands-on experience with the tools used to address real-life challenges at Moodle.

Furthermore, learning designers and UX designers can:

  • Gain access to groundbreaking research and case studies: Learning designers at MoodleMoot Global can explore the latest discoveries and real-life examples shaping the future of educational technology and instructional design. This offers an invaluable resource for staying ahead in the ever-evolving e-learning field.
  • Network with peers and experts: Attending MoodleMoot Global provides learning designers with a platform to meet and exchange ideas with like-minded professionals and leading experts in the field. These connections can lead to collaborative projects, mentorship opportunities, and a deeper understanding of global trends in education.
  • Share knowledge and ideas: Learning designers will have the chance to contribute to the community by sharing their own experiences, strategies, and innovations. This reciprocal exchange of ideas stimulates a dynamic learning environment and promotes the overall advancement of learning design and technology. It is also a great opportunity for learning designers to stay informed about the latest UX trends to continuously enhance user experiences in educational technologies.

Why you should sponsor at MoodleMoot Global 2024?

Sponsoring various aspects of the conference, such as keynote sessions, workshops, networking events, or exhibition booths, can also benefit you. This offers an excellent opportunity to generate leads, enhance brand visibility, and form strategic partnerships, ensuring a significant ROI. By sponsoring, you can:

  • Generate leads: Connect with a diverse audience of educational professionals, decision-makers, and innovators to elevate your brand. Seize this opportunity to generate high-quality leads that can develop into long-term business relationships, fueling your sales and revenue growth.
  • Network with key stakeholders: Connect with a diverse network of Moodle Certified Partners, service providers, and key stakeholders from around the world. Build valuable relationships, exchange insights, and seek out opportunities for collaboration to drive mutual success. Engaging with influential figures in the industry can open doors to new prospects, facilitate knowledge exchange, and lay the groundwork for strategic partnerships that can fuel business growth and expansion.
  • Enhance service offerings: Participate in sessions and workshops that are specifically tailored to help sponsors improve their service offerings and provide more value to their clients. These opportunities will provide valuable insights into new technologies and creative methods, allowing sponsors to enhance their skills, stand out in the crowd, and remain competitive in the constantly changing eLearning industry.
  • Showcase your expertise: Use this opportunity to share your organisation’s success through case studies and demonstrate the impact of your unique approach to Moodle’s solutions and implementation. Sponsors can position themselves as trusted advisors, thought leaders, and go-to partners for educational institutions and businesses seeking innovative eLearning solutions.
Catalyst IT participated as Platinum Sponsor at the MoodleMoot Global 2023. Image source: Moodle Image
Catalyst IT participated as Platinum Sponsor at the MoodleMoot Global 2023. Image source: Moodle

At MoodleMoot Global 2024, educators, professionals, developers, learning designers, and sponsors will have an exclusive opportunity to collaborate and fuel innovation in education technology. Whether you are joining to learn, network, contribute, or sponsor, each participant can play a crucial role in shaping the next generation of education and unlocking human potential.

Register for MoodleMoot Global 2024!

Don’t miss the opportunity to get an early bird ticket by 16 July (UTC-6) for our packed program of sessions, events and speakers at this year’s MoodleMoot Global.