As Moodle 3.0 fast establishes itself as our best release yet, it’s worth exploring how the Moodle Mobile app, also recently updated, can help students manage their learning and increase their productivity.
Here are just a few ways the app can make life and learning smoother:
Make a selection in a choice activity
Often used as an initial gauge of prior knowledge, or an ongoing record of progress, the Choice activity is one of the features now accessible from the app. As more students put aside their laptops in favour of smaller devices, the more aspects of the course they can engage in on their mobiles, the better.
Take a survey
Based on sound pedagogical principles, surveys such as COLLES and ATTLS provide useful feedback and analytics on the quality of online learning. Students reflect on their attitudes to learning and the effectiveness of certain aspects of the course. Now, as with the Choice, they can respond directly from their mobiles.
Engage in chat
As teachers and students increasingly communicate via online messaging apps, the boundary between social chat and learning discussions is becoming blurred. Moodle’s standard Chat feature offers a simple environment for informal, real time course-related, conversations. With Chat now accessible on the bus, in the park, in the café, students have every opportunity to join the dialogue!
Keep up to date
Private messages, forum posts, assignment notifications and events in the calendar can all be directed to your device, making it much easier for students to stay on top of their tasks. Read more about Mobile app notifications here.
Enrol in courses
If self enrolment is enabled, students now benefit from a search facility offering the option to join a selected course. Once they’ve signed up, participation in the course directly from the app is much improved.
New installations of Moodle 3.0 using https support mobile services and full app functionality by default (and the admin-installed local mobile plugin will do the same for earlier versions), so there is every reason for students to continue their studies away from their classroom and computer.
Interested in knowing more? Here is a full list of Mobile app features. If you need any assistance with your site or setting it up for mobile access, our Moodle Partners are ready to help.