The final day of MoodleMoot Global ended on a great note after three days which saw 835 people from 60 countries come together for 124 presentations.

Keynote panel of speakers and morning sessions

We began the day a little later with an energising coffee after last night’s Moot Global party. It was great to see everyone ‘travel back in time’ at the party, with impressive retro costumes and fantastic music in a historical venue.  

We started the day with a panel discussion on “Learning Management Systems: What does the future hold?” from a keynote panel of speakers hosted by Shalimar Anderson from Moodle US.

We then went straight into our four sessions, with talks on MoodleNet/MoodleApps, Moodle site management and integrations, and Accessibility and Inclusion. In the workshop room there were two Educator Workshops.

Lunch break and afternoon sessions

We then had a lunch break, which was a great time to reflect on all of the insightful discussion covered in the morning’s sessions and workshop. 

After lunch we had four more sessions, covering H5P, Learning Design, and Learner centred education: empowering learners. In the workshop room we had a Moodle Products Workshop.

Afternoon break and final poster presentations

During the afternoon break our final poster presentations took place, including Virtualise my face-to-face training: What should I keep in mind by Xenia Ingles and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) of Undergraduate Medical Students administered through Moodle by Richard Samson.

Closing session and wrap-up of Moot Global 2022

After the break, there was a closing session held by Founder and CEO of Moodle, Martin Dougiamas, to officially mark the end of MoodleMoot Global 2022. This was followed by our final daily wrap-up, with a chance to enjoy a last networking beer and say goodbye until next year.

Community is at the heart of Moodle, it is through our collaborative efforts that we work towards a more equitable world where everyone can pursue a quality education. Thank you for joining us this year to create an unforgettable MoodleMoot Global 2022. We look forward to seeing you all again, as well as as those who couldn’t make it this year, at next year’s Moot Global to learn from each other, explore and share best practices for the future of education. 

How was your MoodleMoot experience? Don’t forget to share your thoughts, what you have learned and what you enjoyed about the event on Twitter using #MootGlobal22 and tag us at @MootGlobal.