Are you using Competencies and Learning plans on your Moodle site?
Would you like to give your teachers or lecturers further access so they can check learning plans or review competencies and uploaded evidence for their own students?
Well, you might be interested to know that we now have some new step-by-step guides in Moodle Docs to achieve just that!
Moodle’s community educator, Mary Cooch, has posted in the Teaching with Moodle forum under the title of: Moodle – Tip: Give course teachers access to their students’ learning plans.
The forum post provides details of three custom roles that might be applicable to your needs and situations when it comes to using Competencies and Learning Plans on your Moodle site.These roles include:
- ‘Learning plan viewer’ which allows a staff member to view the learning plans of a selected group of students. You might, for example, give this to course teachers so they have a more general overview of their class beyond their own course.
- ‘Learning plan supervisor’, which allows a staff member to create new learning plan templates and then assign them to their students (and no others).
- ‘Competency reviewer,’ which allows course teachers to review competencies and evidence sent by their students.
If you have any questions about using competencies, competency frameworks or learning plans, or have more ideas for custom roles, please join the discussions in the Competencies forum on