The Moodle photography competition has come to a close and we’re delighted to announce our three winners. We received hundreds of entries from all over the world, with diverse uses of Moodle products documented, from workplaces using Moodle Workplace to remote schools and large-scale operations using Moodle LMS.
First place:
Steven, our first place winner, works with Eryte on eLearning solutions. He took this image on his visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, having gone to train a team on using Moodle. He explained, “We were at one of the health facilities we partner with to provide capacity building for health workers in African rural health facilities, equipping them with the knowledge to save the lives of mothers and babies in their communities. We use Moodle to deliver some of the training materials, and for assessments.”
Second place:
Our second place winner is Melissa, who works at Münster Nanofabrication Facility (MNF) at the University of Münster, Germany, in the cleanroom in the Center for Soft Nanoscience. Here, Riya Gupta, Cleanroom engineer, is using a machine called a Zeiss ORION NanoFab, a scanning helium ion microscope.
Melissa explained how the facility uses Moodle, the core LMS for the university, in their work, “I use Moodle to create introductory tutorials for masters and doctoral students/scientists who will be using our cleanrooms to conduct research in nanofabrication. In our Moodle tutorial they learn about the rules and standards for working in the cleanrooms, which can be quite complex, before they are allowed entry into our facility.”
The students are required to take their course at least once each year to refresh their knowledge. Melissa adds, “The plan for the future is to also provide Moodle tutorials and document libraries for specific machines and fabrication processes so that expertise doesn’t get lost when students/scientists move on after their studies. Hopefully we will produce a Moodle course for the fancy machine in the picture sometime soon!”
Third place:
Our third place winner, Alexey, is a junior research fellow at the Novosibirsk State Technical University in the technical field of sign language. Alexey and his colleagues created this video to show how Moodle can be used to teach sign language.
Our winners have now gratefully received their share of the $5,000AUD in prizes!
Runners up:
Keep showing us where you Moodle!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter our competition. We enjoyed seeing how you all use Moodle to enrich education in your communities. If you would still like to share how you use Moodle, please post your images and videos to social media and use the hashtag #Moodle.