Training a large geographically spread workforce with Moodle Workplace

March 18, 2021 By Júlia Verdaguer
Momentum Support is one of the largest privately-owned contract Cleaning and Security companies, with over 3,000 employees working across the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and London.


A geographically spread workforce with varied working hours

With employees spread in various locations and having different working shifts, including part-time or night shifts, Momentum Support found it challenging to provide their employees with just in time learning and mandatory training. Travelling to and from a training location was timely and costly and would delay contract delivery, so Momentum Support needed a solution that would fit with the company’s vision and could deliver and track engaging content to their employees via all devices, where and when they needed it.



Delivering and tracking training with Moodle Workplace

Momentum Support worked with Certified Moodle Partner Enovation to design and implement an eLearning environment built on Moodle Workplace. With this new system, Momentum Support are able to send automatic reminders for refresher training and automatically issue certificates for employees, while managers can pull reports on their sites and employees very easily.



Streamlined training that saves costs

Managers now have peace of mind, knowing that training is being completed and their employees are competent and safe”. – Sinead Woods , L&D Manager, Momentum Support

Since the implementation of Moodle Workplace by Enovation in June 2020, Momentum Support are able to deliver training in a flexible way that adapts to their employees needs and circumstances, with no need to spend time and money on travel. Streamlining the reporting and tracking of learning has also been one of Momentum Support’s favourite benefits:

Prior to Moodle Workplace, trying to find who had/hadn’t done training was very much so a paper-based exercise and extremely time consuming. Now, a few clicks and the reports are there!”- Sinead Woods, Learning & Development Manager


Read the full case study.