Add functionality to your Moodle site

Explore our comprehensive Moodle integration and extension guides to discover what apps and software can be integrated with Moodle.

Types of Moodle integrations
Moodle integration guides

Types of Moodle integrations

Whether you are an LMS administrator, teacher, or L&D manager, there is a Moodle integration to help you achieve more and customize your learners’ experience.

Can’t find the specific integrations you are looking for? Explore our extensive library of open source plugins.

Moodle FAQs

Frequently asked questions

Are there different integration types?

Some of our LMS integrations are coded in the programming language PHP, whereas others use standards like Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) to exchange information, without needing actual code to carry out the integration. This means that sometimes we have to review the code of the integration to make sure that it conforms to our plugin guidelines, whereas some other times there is no code to review.

Why does the code for Certified Integrations need to conform to Moodle’s requirements?

This ensures that you are not locked in for your connector to the external tool but that anyone can improve this connector instead, which aligns with our open-source community philosophy and is an assurance for the users. It also means that you can rely on these tools to support your digital teaching and learning experiences effectively and continuously.