The satisfying assessment platform

Ans is a web-based assessment tool for students and educators. Whether you want to assess students on paper or digitally, you can design, grade, and publish results online. With Ans, you can save time grading so you can get back to teaching as soon as possible.

The satisfying assessment platform
Collaborative assignment creation Image

Collaborative assignment creation

Create exercises together with your colleagues. Build up a question bank over time that allows you to reuse exercises and generate formative and summative assignments easily. Use tags and learning objectives to align exercises with your curriculum objectives.

Effortless exam flexibility & accessibility Image

Effortless exam flexibility & accessibility

Switch between paper-based and digital exams in one click. Allow students to use a built-in calculator, LaTeX, or equation editor during their test. Enable different accessibility options for students with special needs, such as large font, dyslexia, and high contrast modes.

Automated and collaborative grading Image

Automated and collaborative grading

Most question types are automatically graded for you. Collaborate with your colleagues to mark any remaining open-ended questions. Assign reviewers to mark assignments per student or question. Effortlessly mark and publish paper-based exams online with our smart QR code system.

Data-driven assignment analysis Image

Data-driven assignment analysis

Reflect on the quality of your questions and improve your assignments based on data. Compare your reviewing process with your colleagues and gain deeper insight into student activity and performance.

Seamless feedback and student interactions Image

Seamless feedback and student interactions

Publish insights and feedback for your students and interact with them on the platform. Easily adjust all marks on the go when adjusting the grading scheme or question contribution.

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