Bringing you the latest interactive H5P content to your mobile devices

December 23, 2019 By Júlia Verdaguer

Our latest Moodle App release includes online and offline access to H5P activities, a new Dark Mode and Forum improvements 

Working offline with the Moodle 3.8 App in Dark Mode

Moodle 3.8 App brings some of the most popular features and improvements of Moodle 3.8 to mobile learning. Let’s have a look at what’s new:

  • H5P Integration: the H5P integration on Moodle 3.8 has been one of the biggest news items  of the year. Your learners can now interact with H5P content from their mobile devices – even when they are offline!
  • Dark Mode: enable your users to choose the colour scheme that’s easiest on their eyes: light or dark.
  • Edit and delete forum messages: making typos is easy when we reply to posts from our mobile devices. We’ve updated the app so your learners can edit, and even delete, Forum messages directly from the Moodle App.
  • Work offline alert: Let your users know when they are working offline while using the Moodle App.
  • Convey maths concepts on mobile: native compatibility with MathJax enables learners to view mathematical notation on their phones and tablets.


You can download the latest version of our App from Google Play and the Apple app store. Read more technical details and specs on our Moodle 3.8 App release notes.

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