What’s new in Moodle Workplace 3.11

June 14, 2021 By Júlia Verdaguer

Released on June 8, 2021, Moodle Workplace 3.11 is based on the latest release of Moodle LMS and includes all-exclusive features to better support workplace learning.

Share your reports with the right people

Moodle Workplace’s Report Builder allows you to generate customised reports in a drag-and-drop interface with instant preview and filtering; and to share these reports with different audiences. 

With our latest release, you can refine who can access each Report even further: you’re able to add people to audiences based not only on Departments and Positions, but also based on cohorts and system roles, as well as add them manually. 

Moodle Workplace's Audience builder. This allows you to define who has access to your Reports, based on Job assignments and System roles.

Customise who has access to your Reports in Moodle Workplace

Once you’ve built a custom report in Moodle Workplace, you can schedule it to be shared periodically. Moodle Workplace 3.11 makes this even easier by allowing you to pick an existing audience as recipients for a report when you’re scheduling it.

These improvements to Report Builder are also part of the refactoring that’s happening behind the scenes to prepare Report Builder to be integrated into Moodle 4.0, the next major Moodle LMS release.

Customise your dashboard and tabs with two new blocks

In Moodle Workplace 3.11, the Learning Overview tab (where users see all their courses) and the My Teams tab (where managers see their teams) can now be added as standard blocks to the user dashboard, so your team members can personalise their learning experience even more.

Authenticate with SAML2 via plugin

The SAML2 auth_plugin, developed and maintained by Moodle Partner Catalyst, is one of the most popular SSO plugins in Moodle LMS. Working in close collaboration with Catalyst, Moodle Workplace 3.11 release will work seamlessly with the upcoming version of this plugin, to be released soon. In the next Moodle Workplace release, the SAML2 plugin will support multi-tenancy so that you can personalise authentication methods for each of your tenants.

Provide clear, easy-to-spot requirements for activities

The Student Activity Completion feature enhancements released in Moodle LMS 3.11 have been incorporated into Moodle Workplace 3.11 and enable learners and staff to get a much clearer overview of their upcoming activities and work by displaying the completion criteria, opening dates and closing dates for all activities on a course. 

Plus, in Moodle Workplace, there’s also a new, exclusive completion criterion for Appointment activities, where learners need to make a booking for a session or webinar to have the activity marked as done.

A course page on Moodle Workplace displays an Appointment type activity called Health and Safety in the workplace webinar. The deadline (day and hour) of the assignment is shown on the right, and the Completion criteria (Book an appointment) is displayed under the activity name.

Learners get a much clearer overview of their upcoming deadlines and what they have to do to complete each activity. In this case, the learner has to Book an appointment for a webinar.

Assess the accessibility of your content

Just like Moodle LMS 3.11, Moodle Workplace 3.11 integrates Brickfield Education Lab’s Accessibility Starter Toolkit, which helps identify common accessibility concerns in course content. All detected issues can be displayed as a heatmap, or identified on a report with direct links for you to easily navigate to each issue and fix it.

If you want more details and technical specs about our latest Moodle Workplace release, please see our Moodle Workplace 3.11 new features.

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